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Mixed Paint is a market place of idea(l)s. Creatively speaking, we look to share and commune diverse perspectives on art and culture to effect inspired versions of ourselves, our world. 


Cultural infrastructure is all too often slighted, or altogether forgotten. Mixed Paint believes--and will convince--that arts and culture have a unique ability to reignite individuals, communities, and cities in ways that other policies and programs cannot.


So, Mixed Paint upholds two ethics about cultural infrastructure: 1) it can and should be used to improve educational, economic, social, and political outcomes 2) it is an inclusive space that disavows the counter-productive conception that a certain class, kind, race or culture is "lesser," or that certain people should feel uncomfortable about experiencing, expressing, or commenting on a certain type of art. 



My interest, experience, and expertise prompt more-frequent posts about: youth development, social justice, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement. Like all people, my identity and experience are limited; so please, add your stories and yourselves. Mixed Paint gains beauty and purpose when its palette expresses all the luminescence of human capacity, perspective, and power.


So do, join us; join the conversation. 

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